Seaside - Cockles in Elderberry

  •  16.06.2018 01:16 PM

Who doesn't enjoy a trip to the coast on a sunny day? Or more accurately, when in Scotland, a dreary, dreich, drizzly afternoon. One of the quickest places to pick up a free supper - particularly if you don't count the long walk down to the low tide mark. With all seaweeds found on shore being edible (although some have a much higher culinary pull than others) they are a fantastic starting point for beginners, likewise molluscs are easy to identify once you have got the finding them down. Many edible greens line the upper shore, often complementing fish or seafood perfectly. The biggest caution is to ensure that you check the water quality of the beach before you go, and stay clear of any sewage or outlet pipes! As with fungi or other foraging, it is always best to have a few good guides for reference. Joining a seaside foraging course is an excellent way to get started and build confidence.